Varro in Virgilian Commentaries: Transmission in Fragments

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Varro in Virgilian Commentaries: Transmission in Fragments,

kterou prosloví Daniel Vallat (Universitè Lumière Lyon 2).

Přednášet se bude v anglickém jazyce.

Přednáška se koná ve čtvrtek 27. dubna ve 18h v Zelené posluchárně (FF UK, Celetná 20, Praha 1).

Anotace přednášky: In this paper the way the Virgilian commentaries of late Antiquity transmitted some fragments of Varro will be analyzed . This transmission causes various problems here reviewed : the reliability of the identification by the name ; the titles of the works ; the different forms of quotation ; the difficulties of text and manuscript transmission ; the delimitation of the fragments ; the indirect transmission of Varro already in the Antiquity ; the use of quoting Varro in a Virgil commentary ; finally we will hazard the hypothesis that, at the time of Servius, Varro was both an ancient, inescapable authority and a new challenge for the grammatici in their tacite rivalry with the Christian polemicists