Cicero, Lucian and Sextus Empiricus on history, or, Does ancient historiography do justice to its own requirements?

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Cicero, Lucian and Sextus Empiricus on history, or, Does ancient historiography do justice to its own requirements?

kterou prosloví Dr. Alexander Free (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München).

Přednáška se uskuteční ve čtvrtek 8. prosince v 18 h na Ústavu řeckých a latinských studií FF UK (Celetná 20, místnost 147).

Anotace přednášky: The ancient historians usually claim to deliver factual narratives. Their reports, however, are invariably narratives that obscure the reader’s view of any underlying factual reality. The lecture tries to examine this ambivalence in the context of theoretical comments on ancient historiography and thereby seeks to demonstrate the tension between fact and fiction. For this purpose, the theoretical comments of Cicero, Lucian of Samosata and Sextus Empiricus are going to be analysed. They all show a concept of “faction” that proves that the ancient theories are insufficient in evaluating historiography.

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