Březnová přednáška č. 2


  JKF a ÚŘLS srdečně zvou všechny členy i veřejnost na přednášku


  Did Women have a Fall of the Roman Empire?

   kterou přednese

    Dr. Jeroen W.P. Wijnendaele

      (Ghent University)

     Přednáška se koná ve čtvrtek 31. března 2022 od 18:00 hodin v místnosti C144 (Celetná 20, Praha 1) a bude ji také možné sledovat online přes platformu ZOOM.    

         pád říma




The Roman Empire was the only political system that ever managed to integrate the entire Mediterranean world and its European hinterland for more than four centuries. Since the 18th century, historians have not ceased debating whether we should see its disintegration in the West during the fifth century as an apocalypse, a transformation, or "much ado about nothing". Rome's Fall has also been exploited by politicians and journalists to analyze current migration crises or climate change. But where are the women in this [hi]story? How were the lives of women - still half of the population then as now - shaped by the tumultuous events of this era?





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