Březnová přednáška


  JKF a ÚŘLS srdečně zvou všechny členy i veřejnost na přednášku


  Augustine, the Preacher and the Actor

   kterou přednese

    Prof. Paola Francesca Moretti

      (Università degli Studi di Milano)


    Přednáška se koná ve čtvrtek 17. března 2022 od 18:00 hodin v místnosti C144 (Celetná 20, Praha 1) a bude ji také možné sledovat online přes platformu ZOOM.    



 ZOOM: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/99770537793



Augustine, as a skillful teacher, was well aware of the ‘theatrical dimension’ of rhetoric, and this awareness deeply informed his preaching activity. Moreover, Augustine knew that his potential listeners were attracted by sinful profane spectacula, and hence often had to choose between the Church and the (amphi)theatre.

The ‘theatrical dimension’ of Augustine’s preaching will be dwelt upon briefly. It displays itself mainly in a twofold manner. First, when the preacher ‘acts as an actor’, as a performer, hinting at the physical stage (setting) of the homily: the town, the sea, the basilica, etc. Second, when the preacher, using his own words, presents his public with the many kinds of spectacula Christiana, that can compete with profane ones: the preacher either describes the spectacula ‘organised’ by God (from the creation of the world to the martyrs’ heroic sufferings), or even acts as a regisseur and creates the ‘stage’ where the spectaculum of a prodigious healing can take place in the public’s eyes. In both cases, the visual dimension (evidentia) of Augustine’s preaching is no longer a rhetorical device; rather, it turns out to be the instrument of an ‘education of the gaze’, leading to see the invisible through the visible.





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