Legal and sacral lexicon in the Aeneid: some case studies
Elia Angelo Corsini (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)

Přednáška se koná ve čtvrtek 22. února 2024 od 18:00 hodin v místnosti C144 (Celetná 20, Praha 1).
Anotace: The presence of Roman law in the Aeneid is an aspect that has already been studied in the past but can still reveal much about Virgil’s poem. On several occasions the poet makes use of legally relevant terms or presents legally connoted situations that underline the complexity of some social and human dynamics, such as hospitality and the foundation of cities, which both have pivotal sacral dimensions. Through the analysis of terms such as hospitium or expressions such as urbem condere and iura dare, this contribution aims to show some examples of the use of legal and sacral terminology in Virgil’s Aeneid and to highlight the implications of this use for the interpretation of the text.