Changing the Futures of Rome in the reigns of Constantine, Julian, and Theodosius I, from Divination to Prayer
dr. Michael Hanaghan (Australian Catholic University)

Přednáška se koná v úterý 24. října 2023 od 18:00 hodin v místnosti C144 (Celetná 20, Praha 1).
Anotace: From 800BC until 300CE ancient humans used a wide variety of means to divine the future: animals were sacrificed, their entrails read as portending success or failure, the flight of birds was carefully watched, and future significance was read into a wide range of spontaneous forms of human behaviour and environmental phenomena, from sneezes to lightning strikes. In the fourth century these traditional Greco-Roman forms of divination fell out of favour, were explicitly and repeatedly banned by law, and ultimately challenged by Late Antique conceptions as to who could read the future and how.